Herbal Medicine
Herbal Medicine
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Structural Modalities


Postural Evaluation

   Postural evaluation is important in discovering musculoskeletal imbalances that can delay the healing process and effect the function of the body as a whole.  Evaluation consists of watching how a person holds their body while sitting and standing, looking for symmetry from one side of the body to the other and looking for any increased or decreased curve of the normal spinal pattern.  Motion testing evaluates body movements such as bending, side-bending, extension or rotation for any restrictions.
Gait Analysis
   Gait is the way you walk.  Your gait has an influence on your musculoskeletal balance and your posture.  All muscles turn on and off by nerve stimulus during normal activities.  An injury may leave a muscle "stuck" on or off.  
    For example, when you step forward with your left leg, the right arm also goes forward because the extensor muscles that pull back the right arm are "turned off".  This "turning off" is controlled and dependent upon getting the correct messages from the nerve endings in the left foot.  When you step down on the left foot, the joint receptors there send a message that shuts off the right shoulder.  
    Gait analysis consists of watching the way you walk evaluating arm swing with each step, and testing each foot as it progresses through the normal movement of walking.  
 If imbalances are found, for example, muscles are turned off or on at the wrong time, these can be corrected using laser therapy to re-establish proper nerve stimulus that fire at the correct time.  Nerve interference can be detected through gait analysis and also corrected with laser therapy.
Structural Alignment
   Structural alignment is employed after an injury has taken place.  Not only is it important to provide proper care at the injury site, but injuries lead to compensations of uninjured muscles which can displace bones of the spine, sacro-iliac joints of the pelvis, destabilize the scapulae (shoulder blades), and create intervertebral disc irritation, all of which can delay the healing process.  
    Chiropractors use manual manipulation to align the spine and sometimes other bones of the body.  The techniques we employ in our clinic utilize specialized equipment that, when applied to strategic areas along the spine or pelvis, gently but effectively release trigger points and relax muscles allowing the body to reinstate it's natural alignment.  
Benefits of structural alignment is essential for the proper function of the entire body, and it can be experienced by everyone whether or not you have an injury.
Pelvic Balance
   Pelvic balance is a simple technique in which the practitioner directs the client through isometric exercises in which specific small, deep muscles of the pelvis are isolated and strengthened.  This is very important because the relationship of the leg muscles to those of the pelvis determine how the pelvis is balanced in every activity.  An imbalanced pelvis creates an imbalanced spine and serious muscle compensation throughout the leg which can lead to injury, chronic pain and health problems, but can also delay the healing process.  


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